Asian Women MEAN Business

Are You Outgrowing Your Friends & Family?

Rupinder Kaur Season 1 Episode 2

It can be so hard when your relationships are shifting and you feel you have little in common with those that you considered to be your closest.

These changes whilst being inevitable can be painful and lead to a sense of discomfort as you find your place and a community that you fit in with.

This has been the biggest learning of my life. I had to understand that we attract people into our life because:

A) We were vibrating at a similar level of consciousness and were a vibrational match at that particular time.

B) We had certain lessons to teach each other’s souls. Your relationship was an opportunity to learn those lessons and serve each other’s growth.

Nothing is permanent.

Relationships last as long as both of your souls need. Friendships last as long as you are resonating on the same vibrational level.

Everything in life is in a constant state of evolution. It’s the same with friendships.

So who do you need to let go of in your life?

💫Set them free.
💫Bless them.
💫Let them go.
💫Let more love in.

P.S. If you feel ready to go to the next level in your life, reclaim your power and live your true life’s purpose, join me on a life changing journey in Inspire Club. Doors open in March. Waiting list now open