Asian Women MEAN Business

40 Lessons In 40 Years Part 1

Season 1 Episode 8

Well, I turn 40 this month. Not quite sure when that happened! I’m pretty sure it was just yesterday that I had my 30th, 20 weeks pregnant with my daughter Daya and heading into the 30’s with the same optimism and hope it feel now leaving this decade and heading into another! But clearly, it wasn’t yesterday. Not even close. I’ve got more wrinkles, more pounds and, my love, more wisdom. So as an ode to turning 40, and having you lovelies by my side, I thought I’d share 40 things I’ve learned in my 40 years.

This is Part 1 Lessons 1-20. Part 2 to follow.

I would love to know the lessons life has taught you?

You can read the full blog here: