Asian Women MEAN Business

How To Deal With Envy

Rupinder Kaur Season 2 Episode 14

“Envy Can Be Good For You”

Wait, What?!

Hear me out, there is a HUGE difference between envy and jealousy. 

Jealousy is a strong emotion fuelled by fear and loss. When you percieve someone has taken something that you are emotionally attached to or is threatening to do this, you react by feeling hurt and angry.

Envy on the other hand is about coveting something you don't have. The person you envy has what you aspire to. With this age of social media it has never been easier to feel both these emotions. I am a big believer in observing our emotional triggers and reflecting on what they are telling you.

You can follow your envy to discover new talents, use it as a motivator to follow your ambitions. It can sometimes shine a spotlight on a blind spot i.e. if you find yourself envying people in a certain profession or industry, or perhaps giving a TED Talk, doing a creative hobby. It’s good to sit with those feelings and reflect on what they are telling you want to be giving talks? Travelling? Doing something more creative?

In this episode hear how I deal with envy and some suggestions on how you can too!